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24 08, 2015

Shakespeare and OP: David Crystal’s approach

By | 2017-06-20T22:39:54+00:00 August 24th, 2015|Language Change, Shakespeare|0 Comments

I watched a lovely video where David Crystal and his son explain the changes in meaning that occur when Shakespeare is performed in its Original Pronunciation (OP). While most of the performances today use Received Pronunciation (RP) and many people genuinely believe this is the 'correct' or 'Shakespearean' way of speaking, this is actually far from the truth.  Crystal argues that many of [...]

14 05, 2013

Character Study: Slim (Possible Exam Question)

By | 2015-08-25T12:24:23+00:00 May 14th, 2013|AQA Modern Texts|Comments Off on Character Study: Slim (Possible Exam Question)

EDIT: All the students who looked at this before the exam, congratulations! The exam did ask about Slim and I bet you were all well-prepared. This is for all the AQA GCSE English students who will do their Modern Texts literature exam on Monday, 20/05/2013.   Today, I'd like to tackle the character of Slim. He [...]